In many ways the Thai lettuce nursery ACK Hydro Farm is a special company. Its location for example in the centre of Bangkok is certainly no place one would expect a high-tech nursery to be in Lettuce ACK is also an exceptional case and the Thai people are eating more and more of this vegetable.
When the taxi comes closer to ACK Hydro Farm in On Nuch road in Bangkok, it is hard to believe that the address is correct. With the area being dominated by shops, bank, bats and hight-rise flats, it is certainly not the surrounding where you would expect a lettuce nursery to be. But once the gate of the ACK has been passed, aagain it is hard to imagine that this nursery is located in a town; the noise from the streets has gone, the main sound come from the fans which have to keep the greenhouses cool.
The garden centre is still there, but smaller, since 80% of the 1 ha plot is used for the lettuce production together with the packing house where part of the lettuce is pre packed for ready made supermarket products.
The hot climate is probably also an important reasen why lettuce is traditionally not common in the Thai kitchen. But with the increasing number of foreigners in the thai capital there is also a growing nee for dishes other main consumers of the lettuce from ACK, but those days are over, as Thai people are becoming more interested in different food and have discovered the sensation that the crispy lettuce leaves can give.
Safety and hygiene are important aspects at Hydroponics Growing for wich reason the Agriculture company works according to the ISO 9001:2000, GMP and HACCP guidelines.(Farm Visit to Thailand:Fruit-Veg Tech)
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